Pastoral Psychology

Self-absorption as a source of psychological problems Dr. Nikolaos Koios, Content Coach of Pemptousia 19 November 2021 The Orthodox Patristic tradition and modern pastoral psychology consider se...
Be still and know God Fr. Stephen Freeman 17 January 2017 There is a point of stillness within us, though we rarely recognize it. We ...
The possessed and the mentally ill Dr. Nikolaos Koios, Content Coach of Pemptousia 18 October 2016 There are times, in religious circles, when confusion arises over which peo...
Ascetic tradition and depth psychology Ioannis Kornarakis, Emeritus Professor of Pastoral Psychology and Confession, University of Athens († 2013) 28 August 2016 To mention just one of many examples, St. John Cassian, who lived in the ...
Description of the modern person’s spiritual state Ioannis Kornarakis, Emeritus Professor of Pastoral Psychology and Confession, University of Athens († 2013) 24 August 2016 As the psychoanalytical dialogue progresses through its various stages (w...
The guilty conscience as an existential problem Ioannis Kornarakis, Emeritus Professor of Pastoral Psychology and Confession, University of Athens († 2013) 22 August 2016 The great Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung made a signi...